
New York Times bestselling author Ashley Rhodes-Courter to speak at St. Norbert College

Ashley Rhodes-Courter

DE PERE, Wis. — St. Norbert College will welcome New York Times bestselling author Ashley Rhodes-Courter on campus at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23.

Rhodes-Courter will speak about her life in the foster care system and where she is now. Her talk is based on her book “Three Little Words” and will take place in the Walter Theatre of the Abbot Pennings Hall of Fine Arts, 315 Third St. in De Pere. The event is free and open to the public.

Rhodes-Courter spent almost a decade in the foster care system in 14 different homes before being adopted at the age of 12. Both “Three Little Words” and “Three More Words” are books about her experiences with the foster care system.

She is also the founder of the nonprofit Foundation for Sustainable Families, which provides services, education, organic food gardens and outreach for communities, foster and adoptive families, mothers, and children. She earned a bachelor’s degree in communications and theater from Eckerd College and a master’s degree in social work from the University of Southern California.

Rhodes-Courter will be introduced by Judge Marc Hammer, part-time instructor of business administration at St. Norbert College. Hammer is a member of the Wisconsin State Bar Association and has served on the Brown County Circuit Court bench since 2008; he practiced law from 1989 to 2008, focused on civil litigations and family law matters.

Rhodes-Courter’s speaking engagement is hosted in partnership with the St. Norbert College Honors Program and Court Appointed Special Advocates of Brown County. CASA is a non-profit organization that provides a voice for abused and neglected children who are under the legal protection of the court system. Its vision is to ensure every child feels safe and secure in their home and heart.

The Honors Program at St. Norbert provides students of outstanding intellectual ability, high motivation and broad interests with a learning environment that maximizes their potential.

For more information, call Stacey Wanta at St. Norbert College at 920-403-3967 or email to stacey.wanta@snc.edu.


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